Bris-1 mystery sample

Rev. 1/3/2023 LRM... A test case for microprobe method development for metamorphic petrology applications

Bris-1 is a random thin section that I found in the Petrology Lab when I started working as a lab manager. At the time of writing, I have no idea where it comes from. So far, it's turned out to be a garnet-bearing metamorphic rock with a lot of quartz, alkali feldspars, mica, cordierite (?), and kyanite.

Note: I use YYMMDD dates in my notes, and some of these dates may be floating around in here.



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231222 Photo of "Bris-1" thin section taken with my phone. It's already been carbon coated from previous analyses.
231222 Scan of Bris-1 thin section in plane-polarized light.

If I were a good microprobe user, I would have photographed and scanned the sample before starting any analyses, but sometimes one is in a hurry and doesn't do that. The PCA analyses, EDS analyses, and Ti-In-Qtz analyses were done before I went back to the Petrology lab to make the photo/scans.

231222 Scan of Bris-1 thin section in cross-polarized light. The extinct areas appear blue.

A problem I am interested in working on is how to obtain modal mineral abundances using X-ray maps. This problem has been solved previously with various image segmentation programs including Pierre Lanari's XMapTools, but that doesn't prevent me from being curious about strategies for image segmentation or other ways to make sense of multi-channel X-ray data.

To get some preliminary X-ray data for the sample, I made a full thin section map using the following settings with the result shown below. I think it was also my intent to use the thin section to test my monazite dating method, given the elements that I had selected, but I must have forgotten about this initially as I got "sucked in" to the segmentation problem.

230720 Principle component analysis of Bris-1 full thin section scan collected on 230717. I revisited this subsequently after checking some of the phases with the EDS system.

At some point, I'll probably need to explain what PCA is and how it's being used here. Here are my notes about PCA:

Lowell's explanation of PCA

(the "mathy" bits)

(defining some of the jargon)

PCA was done for the Bris-1 sample in R with the image made from PC's 1, 2, and 3 mapped onto the R, G, and B channels respectively. The process of making the PCA image is extremely easy, but interpreting the colors/clusters as individual minerals and segmenting the image into the clusters is difficult.

231219 A photo of my printed-out-and-written-on notes from a session that I spent trying to "ground truth" the minerals that I had previously attempted to identify using my X-ray maps.

After looking around with the EDS, here are the main takeaways (with colors in reference to the PCA image above):


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Here's what I've tried so far with regards to segmentation:

230720 K-means clusters made using EDS maps of the full Bris-1 thin section as described above.
230720 Scatter plots of pronciple components calculated for EDS elements that I attemted to use for K-means clusters.
230720 Scree plot for increasing numbers of clusters. It looks like there should be about 6 clusters based on this plot.
231228 16-color lookup table applied to BSE image of Bris-1 thin section.

To evaluate the effectiveness of the K-means clustering approach, I need a way to "ground truth" the phase proportion, and I can't think of a better way to do this than point counting. To count points, I wrote a basic R script (240102) to randomly display a 100 x 100 pixel subregion of the PC image shown above, and used this to count ~120 points at the center of each sampled region. I then compared this result to the proportions of the clusters which are shown in the image above.

Here is a table of the point counting results:

phase_options phase_props n_counted
Quartz 0.49 49
K-spar 0.18 18
Na-Spar 0.05 5
Garnet 0.12 12
Biotite 0.05 5
Kyanite 0.08 8
Cordierite 0.02 2
Ilmenite 0 0
unclear 0.01 1

Here is a table of the K-means clustering results:

cluster_id cluster_names prop_clust n_clust
1 K-fsp 0.238427 393783
2 Crd+Bt+Ky 0.222723 367846
3 Na-Fsp 0.078168 129102
4 Qtz 0.352312 581874
5 Grt 0.098683 162984
6 none_6 0.000000 0
7 phosphate 0.000455 751
8 none_8 0.000000 0
9 Ilm+Sf 0.001321 2181
10 Ilm+Sf2 0.007911 13066 not great, but not terrible? My guess is that the proportion of quartz is being underestimated by the K-means clusters because the clustering algorithm can't separate fine-grained quartz that is intergrown with other stuff (e.g kyanite) from the big quartz grains.

Major element WDS method

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230717 Notes about metamorphic mineral quant method. I'm recalibrating on 240103, but this should be pretty close to what was used for any data shown below.

My notes about reporting uncertainty:

Uncertainty is going to depend on these factors:

If we assume that everything went well and no mistakes were made, then it's fine to use the calculated uncertainties returned by the software which are based on X-ray counting statistics. As one can imagine this assumption isn't always valid, and that's why I usually suggest that users analyze several replicates of different reference materials (calibration standards, our set of SI microbeam standards, etc.) as unknowns during their analytical session.

What I would recommend is that if some of the standards were analysed in replicate as unknowns, then the user could say something like "uncertainty was estimated based on the standard deviation of N replicate analyses of [a diopside standard (or whatever)] provided by the microprobe lab." Alternatively, if this wasn't done, or if the user feels like there weren't any major problems based on periodically analyzing one of the standards as an unknown, then the user can just report the errors from counting statistics.

231103 Calibration curve type figures of SI microbeam standards analyzed on 230724 using 20 kV quant method as above.

To check the precision/accuracy of the quantitative method, I analyzed a bunch of replicates of some of my reference materials to create calibration-curve-like plots and calculate a regression line and uncertainty envelope. It seems like this is probably the most robust way to estimate all of the sources of uncertainty including user error and quality of the standards.

240103 WDS spot analyses -- selected minerals.
240104 Quant maps. White areas show pixels selected to extract quantitative information.

Some of the textures were so complicated/fine scale that I "threw up my hands" and decided to just collect some quant maps. I wrote a little R script to retrieve selected pixels from the stack of CSV files produced by the microprobe software using a .png image created for each phase, which I "painted" white in ImageJ to manually identify the pixels of interest. An added benefit of this approach is that the short dwell time eliminates beam damage affecting some of the micas and maybe also the alkali feldspars. This method worked surprisingly well. There were some issues with contamination between pixels and there was a little stage offset between mapping passes (6 total, with two "rows" of elements with two background points for each).

240104 quant map phase compositions.

Garnet trace element maps

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231228 Comparison of exploratory WDS spectra vs trace element maps.

Most users are unsure about the best conditions to use for mapping trace elements. Usually the trace element in question is Yttrium, and the material in question is garnet. Ideally, I should be able to provide a general way for the user to figure this out independently without wasting a bunch of time trying things randomly, and collecting a few "qualitative" WDS spectra to test out different spectrometer/element pairings, dwell times, and beam conditions seems like the best way to do this. I've written about this process elsewhere.

The figure above shows the results of a basic test that I did, which basically determined -- without making any maps ahead of time -- that mapping Y, Ti, Sc, and Cr would be a waste of time for this garnet for the amount of time that I was prepared to spend doing so.


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One method I have been working on is quantifying Ti in quartz, which seems to be a popular thermobarometer these days. This is obviously challenging because one doesn't think of quartz as containing a lot of Ti, but it's also challenging because of some "manual labor" that goes into summing the counts collected on multiple spectrometers.

231219 CL image of area analyzed using my Ti-in-Qtz quant recipe. This image was taken after I had analyzed the sample, so the locations of the analyses can be seen as a trail of dots going down/left from the first point in the upper/right.
231219 A standard-format figure produced by my R script that post processes the Ti analyses. The blue circles are the analyses of quartz in the Bris-1 mystery sample, the red circles are analyses of a Ti-free blank, and the tan circles are analyses of a well-characterized quartz "check standard" containing 57 ppm of Ti.

P-T calculations

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I know literally nothing about thermobarometry in metamorphic rocks. Or really about any rocks. Here's some literature I've found:

P-T calculations summary using Jan 2024 major element analyses and Dec 2023 Ti-in-Qtz data.

Here's what's worked so far: If I use the Garnet-Biotite Mg-Fe exchange and the Garnet-Plag Ca exchange thermobarometers together, I get ~820 C at 1 GPa. If I try to use the two-feldspar thermometer, I get something around 480 C, but I think I can explain this by saying pointing out that the very low Na concentration is outside the compositional range where this model is valid. I haven't been able to get the Ti-in-quartz thermometer to work in Excel in a way that reproduces the figure from Thomas et al, but according to the figure, I should get P-T conditions that agree with the Bt+Plag+Bt thermometers around 750C. However, I'm not totally sure about the a-TiO2 term as I haven't seen much rutile in the sample. Is the one grain evident from my quant maps actually in equilibrium with the quartz?

Monazite dating

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230717 Grayscale BSE image of the Bris-1 mystery sample with Ce false color image overlain for ~0.03% of pixels containing the most Ce, which are almost certainly monazites.

Aside: Here is my method formaking the overlay image for future reference:

  1. Open the "COMPO" and "Ce" maps in ImageJ
  2. Select the "Ce" image and click "Image > Adjust > Threshold..." to open the thresholding tool
  3. Choose the pixel range going from some arbitrary minimum value up to the maximum value so that only the most Ce-rich pixels are selected, and close the menu without clicking any buttons. At this point, the chosen pixels should appear red on the image.
  4. Click "Edit > Selection > Create Selection" to select the hilighted pixels
  5. Click "Image > Lookup Tables > Fire" to apply a lookup table
  6. Click "Image > Type > RGB Color" to change the now false color image to RGB format
  7. Ctrl+C to copy the selected pixels
  8. Select the "COMPO" image, and click "Image > Type > RGB Color" to change it also to RGB format
  9. Ctrl+V to paste the selected pixels onto the "COMPO" image
  10. Zoom in on a bright area and double check that the pasted pixels are in the right location. Fortunately, you can click and drag the pasted pixels if they need to be adjusted. I suspect that the they will be accurate if the maximum area of the selection matches the maximum area of the image, but not if the area is smaller.
  11. At this point, you're done. Save the image in the desired format (e.g. as a RGB-formatted .bmp file).

231229 Summary of monazite compositions and calculated U-Pb dates. Looks like the Bris-1 monazites are about 120 Ma younger than the USGS 44069 ones, which suggests an age of about 300 Ma.

Dark blue X's = USGS 44069 monazites from the Wilmington Complex with a SHRIMP age of 424 Ma. Red X's = Bris-1 sample. Light blue circles = representative EPMA compositions for USGS 44069 reported by Didier et al. (2017; Table 1), which yield a calculated age of about 330 Ma.

Dating the monazites was pretty straightforward: the calibration process took about an hour, and the analyses took about 5 minutes each.


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